Wednesday, February 27, 2013


It's true, my blog has become boring. (You spoke the truth, O Salt-Encrusted One!) I confess I was feeling overwhelmed at having two blogs, and so retreated into not really blogging at all. I have deleted the other, incorporated those posts into this one, and will be blogging more regularly again. Honest, guv!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Sunny Day Sunday

I am woken now each morning by a brilliant beam of sunlight reflecting on a glass-facaded building near mine. It beams into my window like a laser, warming my heart as I wake in the realization that the days are getting longer. I'm in a frenzy of salad eating, willing spring to come. The fridge is full of different sort of nummy things that can all go into a salad, and, whereas I generally don't like to mix tomatoes in with my greens, I'm craving them now... so I do.

Each mouthful is a little different, with droplets of greeny gold olive oil, the occasional burst of a baby tomato or a pomegranate seed, the crunch of a slivered almond, the salty creaminess of a shaving of cheese, or the warm nuttiness of a piece of pecan or walnut. I HEART SALADS.

Rocky Road Brownies

Where a young mother of a (super adorable) one-year-old finds the time to do this sort of thing, I don't know. But she did, and it was a very enjoyable Christmas offering.

My only tip would be, place the marshmallows within the areas you intend to cut, so your knife doesn't come in contact with the gooeyness. It made cutting them a bit of a massacre, so there are no pictures of the finished brownies. But... yummmmm.

Soft, Peppery, Sweet

Sunday, February 10, 2013

It's That Time Again... Cake Time!

Yes, it's cake time, the annual creation...L, J and I met for an early dinner and came up with a plan.

Wondering what it's all about?

Check here for 2012,

... 2011...
... 2010 ...
... 2009...
... 2008...
... and before that...

Click here for all the cake decorating fun and games that this blog has witnessed.

And stay tuned. In a few weeks we'll be starting work.

Serene Sunday

Handel... oboe... soup... snow... sunshine... it's a beautiful day. Gratitude abounds. I'm reminded of my Buddhist saying, which I say each morning. I hope you don't find it morbid. I don't.

Today might be the day I die. Today is a good day to be alive.

Friday, February 8, 2013

The Snow has Started

This was my view this morning, clouded by the falling snow and eyes at half mast. We're expecting much more. I'm working late... but I have soup ready.

///UPDATE/// We had a foot of snow! Beautiful and treacherous. The city remains somewhat pristine. Today I remained inside. The soup is warm, and I am grateful.

Not-So-Blue in the Kitchen

I've wanted one of these for a long time. I finally found my Le Creuset casserole for $200 (from $450) and suddenly I had to have it. I like finding a good deal.

Soups and casseroles have been wafting all week. Mmmmm, it feels so good on these long winter nights. But have you noticed? The days are getting longer. When I do leave on time, I see some daylight. Ahhhh, heaven.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Little Work Helper

I'm resisting the chocolate stored inside. But I know it's there in my desk at work. I know...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

More Views From a Train

Beautiful, monochromatic wintery scenes, flying by my train window. The skaters brought Bruegel to mind.