Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Early Summer Evening Ritual

On the roof, from which all I see is a complete canopy of blue sky, a gin and tonic, and the delightful diaries of Noel Coward. Only he can name drop so shamelessly and so charmingly. And he sums up the little truisms of life very well. I give you:

Tuesday, December 28, 1954
Johnny [Gielgud] is a charming house guest, amusing, talkative and most considerate. He leaves on Saturday.

And on Princess Margaret's decision not to marry Peter Townsend:

Thursday, November 3, 1955
At least she hasn't betrayed her position and her responsibilities, but that is arid comfort for her with half the world religiously exulting and the other half pouring out a spate of treacly sentimentality. I hope she will not take to religion in a big way and become a frustrated maiden princess. I also hope that they had the sense to hop into bed a couple of times at least, but this I doubt.

Poor Blog

There are so many pictures taken, meals enjoyed, movies relished and thoughts thunk, that I haven't had time to blog. Sigh.

I'll be back, little blog. I promise. But I may not be as consistent. After all, what's the point of my blog if not to worry too much about it? This isn't a special interest blog, but just the occasional rambly bits and pieces I feel like sharing with the big, wide internet.

For now, with the blazing sunny days we're having, a tan to work on, and friendships to grow or replenish, things like sitting in front of my computer after a long day's work is not just rather disinteresting, but fairly impossible.

If you enjoy my blog, may I suggest becoming a follower or subscribing to my feed, so you don't waste valuable seconds of clicking checking in?


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Cloud Appreciating over Toronto

I got a couple of dramatic shots while out walking in Toronto's docklands. I have more pictures to share in a later post, but the most startling moment of the day left me too dumbfounded to take a picture. That happened when a fox trotted by me as bold as brass, not more than six feet away.

Friday, May 7, 2010

May I Recommend...?

I finally got around to trying Betsy's Outrageous Chocolate Cookies (originally courtesy of Martha Stewart)...

... here they are, wrapped up as a present for a friend. I'll be making these again. Thank you Betsy!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Japanese/Canadian Friendship, Part Deux

Toronto has been beset by strong winds the last week or so. So, most of our tender blossoms are gone. The trees of the Cherry Street garden just have their green leaves now, so I thought I'd post a few more shots of the pictures I got that day.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Quote of the Day

Your love
Should never be offered to the mouth of a
Only to someone
Who has the valor and daring
To cut pieces of their soul off with a knife
Then weave them into a blanket
To protect you.

From "The Gift", by Hafiz, one of my favourite poets. The photograph is of a corner of my bedroom at sunset.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Possibly my favourite flowers of all are white fresias. The peppery scent is like catnip to me, up there with balsam.

At the St. Lawrence Market this week there were no bunches of white, but these wonderful multi-coloured bundles.

I brought some home.

Happy sigh.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Japanese/Canadian Friendship

On the very ordinary - in fact, ugly - walk to Cherry Beach, there is an unprepossessing knoll, a small park, with a collection of young cherry trees.

The story is explained here. Thank you, Japan!

Once up close, I was in ecstacy. The soft clouds, the deep blue of the sky we could see, and the profusion of blossoms... I couldn't leave for a long time.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Cheesy Goodness

A wonderful idea for a party... all cheese! Everyone brought cheese and matching wines. This one picture shows just a part of the amazing tastes available to the guests.

One lady is famous for her cheese straws and she's been making them for over 60 years. She gave me the verbal recipe. If I can recreate it effectively, I'll be posting it. They are so delicious, no one could stop eating them.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Crafty BPG

I was wondering for some time what to do with my spare room. Should I keep it for guests, as a dedicated bedroom, or make it into a crafty place for myself? As it's a long room, I decided to do both. At this end is a white table that looks out a window, with white shelves on either side of it.

In the right hand set are stored some books from childhood, and a few left-over toys.

On the left hand are all my wood engraving, needlepoint, knitting, gift-wrapping, beading, water colouring and sewing supplies, now pleasingly at hand.

The table is deep enough that the sewing machine can sit atop it. I look out over converted old warehouse space that is now office space.

I'm relieved that everything is finally organized. And last weekend I got to use it! My mother brought me a sterling silver necklace that had snapped and lost a link. Also some pendant beads she had bought turned out to not have sterling fastenings. They were actually rusting.

Beads before and after.

What I love most of all about this corner is gazing upon the William Morris "Golden Lily" curtains.