Saturday, May 1, 2010

Crafty BPG

I was wondering for some time what to do with my spare room. Should I keep it for guests, as a dedicated bedroom, or make it into a crafty place for myself? As it's a long room, I decided to do both. At this end is a white table that looks out a window, with white shelves on either side of it.

In the right hand set are stored some books from childhood, and a few left-over toys.

On the left hand are all my wood engraving, needlepoint, knitting, gift-wrapping, beading, water colouring and sewing supplies, now pleasingly at hand.

The table is deep enough that the sewing machine can sit atop it. I look out over converted old warehouse space that is now office space.

I'm relieved that everything is finally organized. And last weekend I got to use it! My mother brought me a sterling silver necklace that had snapped and lost a link. Also some pendant beads she had bought turned out to not have sterling fastenings. They were actually rusting.

Beads before and after.

What I love most of all about this corner is gazing upon the William Morris "Golden Lily" curtains.

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