Thursday, January 1, 2009

Son of No-Knead Bread

It's been a while since I made Michael Smith's delicious recipe for no-knead bread. But yesterday I put some bread to rise. Today it was baked. Yum! The following is his recipe, my comments in italics and brackets. This takes virtually none of your time. Maybe... five minutes tops?

For 1 normal loaf:
2 cups of all-purpose or bread flour
1 cup of whole wheat flour
1/2 cup of any multi-grain mix (I used ground flax meal)
1/4 teaspoon of dry yeast
1 1/4 teaspoons of salt
1 5/8 cups of warm water

1. Whisk the dry ingredients together thoroughly. Add the water and stir until a wet dough forms. Continue stirring until the dough incorporates all the loose flour in the bowl, about 60 seconds in total.
2. Cover the bowl with a towel and rest in a warm place for 12 to 18 hours. It will double in size, bubble and long gluten strands will form. (I covered it in plastic wrap)
3. Knock the dough down, oil it slightly and form it into a baking pan. (I covered it in plastic wrap)
4. Rest the dough a second time. In 2 to 3 hours it will rise again and double in size once more.
5. Bake 45 minutes in a preheated 425 degree oven.

The collected ingredients:

The mixed dough before rising :

After 18 hours, it's risen to at least twice its size. I was about to punch it down:

The dough is left to re-rise in the loaf pan:

The baked loaf:

Yum yum:


Anonymous said...

I vow to do more bread baking this year. There really is nothing like homemade.

Anonymous said...

Wow...that looks easy and delish! I can almost smell it! Wish I had the flax meal and I'd bake it today!

Anonymous said...

Where did you buy the flaxseed meal? Supermarket or health food store? Thanks. Also, what size loaf pan did you use?

Anonymous said...

I would love to try this. I just moved to LA from Paris and the only thing I really miss is the perfect, fresh bread.

Anonymous said...

Your bread looks quite yummy! I will have to try it. Happy New Year to you!

Anonymous said...

I will say it again. "I want to move to Canada and live next door".

I should find out first if you share with sweet, kind elderly neighbors?

Anonymous said...

Although I love to knead bread, this is quite the tempting loaf!! I bet it's delicious toasted, too.

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone! Yes, nothing like the smell of baking bread.

Lavinia: I bought it at my local supermarket, but it's available at health food stores too. Sobeys has it. My loaf pan is about 5" x 9" at the top, but it slopes out a bit, if you know what I mean. :)

Joy: You are too sweet, and - to answer your question - yes, absolutely!

Marie said...

Looks beauteous.