Thursday, May 31, 2007

Call me Crazy.... but I Sense a Theme Here

From a selection of my tandem tales (writing exercises written with various good and talented friends):

From Springtime in Zurich:
Dr. Dietrich Jurgen opened the large window of his spacious office and gazed at the twinkling waters of Lake Zurich in the distance, now bathed in the light of the late-afternoon sun. He closed his eyes and breathed a sigh, running a hand over his fine wide forehead and back over his chestnut hair. His sideburns were slightly touched with gray. His deep green eyes were tired and seemed to have lost forever the bright gleam that had set him apart from his fellow students at university. There in Vienna he had been recognized early on as a brilliant mind and a great thinker and it was widely believed that he would surely contribute profoundly to his chosen field of psychiatry.

From Bramwell Pemberton, Gentleman Spy
Bramwell Pemberton stepped out of his shower and wrapped a towel loosely around his lean hips. Leaning against the window sill, he lit a cigarette and gazed thoughtfully over the view that stretched before him. He hadn’t been in Buenos Aires four hours, and already three people were dead. War was Hell, and they were calling this the war to end all wars. In a gesture of frustration Bram (as he was known to his friends) ran a hand through his hair, letting the unruly curls fall becomingly on his noble brow. There was a knock on the door.

From The Grimoire of Pengannon Castle
Seth emerged from his bath and walked over to the tall sash window of his hotel room, a towel loosely wrapped around his lean hips. Leaning against the jam, he lit a cigarette, folded his arms, and gazed broodily out onto the rain slicked streets. He was more irritable than usual. He hated the city and especially the people who populated it. Bankers were the worst.


Anonymous said...

You were recycling in our tandem tale? Oh! Woe is me! Woe is me! I am so shocked and saddened at your callous, cruel and contemptible disregard for my artistic integrity that I shall have to quit myself of your company for three weeks beginning next Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

Oh right... I had momentarily forgotten for about a nano-second that you were HEADING TO SCOTLAND! Oh, misty land of "The Curse of Castle Kinvara", "The Haunting of Castle Mairroch", "Hearts of the Highlands" and "Calliope Bennett, Ace Girl Tour Guide." A land I have yet to visit. Go ahead... rub it in.

As for recycling, if it was good enough for Rossini, it's good enough for a hack like me.