Monday, June 11, 2007

My REAL Bible

Tom Hodginkson's How to be Idle might be my bible, but my actual bible is this one. It was given to me by Palestinian friends of our family when I was just a nipper. I put very little worth into material possessions and never worry about breakages, spills etc. For me there isn't enough time on this planet to worry too much about it. But there are a few items I hold dear to my heart. This is one of them. It's printed on the thinnest paper, and features colour photographs of places of religious significance. It's bound in wood and then covered in white leather and finally both back and front covers are completely inlaid in mother-of-pearl. I love to hold it and see how it reflects the light and colours around it. Should a holy book be this - albeit modestly - showy? I don't know, but I do like it... a lot.


Anonymous said...

I don't know, I think there is something comforting about wood and leather and pearl. They slow the passage of time and keep treasured items cloaked and safe. And how wonderfully appropriate that a cover of a Bible reflects light and colour.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes, a gift given in childhood takes on an eternal lustre, and a firmly rooted place in one's gallery of cherished memories. Your bible is one such example, made ever more special that it was given to you when you were very young and has been with you ever since.

As a child, I was given a doll by my dentist, and everything about that experience---has a spell of enchantment over it that has never been dimmed. From the beautiful glass display case where the doll resided to the unexpected delight of receiving it. I was one of those small girls who passionately adored her dolls. The doll is gone now, sadly discarded, but the memory remains as fresh and magical as ever. Thank you for sharing one of your childhood talismans with us.

Ra Ra