Sunday, July 15, 2007

Mysterious Fossil

No, I'm not referring to myself.

I found this fossil on a riverbed a couple of winters ago, in south-western Ontario. You see it there photographed from the side and from overhead. It measures about 2.25" across at its widest and 2" in height at its tallest. Click on the picture for a much larger view.

It has a lovely honeycomb pattern except it's way too small to have been made by bees, so obviously another type of insect created it.

I recall that the Royal Ontario Museum had a twice-weekly fossil ID service some years ago. So... watch this space...


Anonymous said...


It's no coincidence that this "honeycomb" ended up in the hands of a "honeytrapper"! Obviously this is some past life connection to a paleolithic pre-historic honeybee!

Ra Ra

Anonymous said...

Actually I think this looks more like Coral or some undersea creature?

Anonymous said...

Looking at your pictures it looks like the joint end of a leg bone that partially decomposed before it fossilized...the marrow and interior of a bone looks similar to that when it dries out. Or it may be quite never can tell. But post pix of the side view and underside and we can better tell...

Anonymous said...

Gosh.... coral or a femur. Any other ideas? I'll get more pics taken.