Tuesday, April 26, 2011

So THIS Weekend...

... I will update my blog! Lots of piccies. Lots of piccies of... FOOD.


phil said...

Looking forward to your Royal Wedding commentary. Seeing how you're a Princess and must've had a front row seat. Right next to Bruce. 8^)

Zuzana said...

Love your new look here. So very different from the dark previous one, so full of life and colour.;)
Love your new profile picture as well.;)
On another note, thank you so much dear G for your very kind words of compassion and empathy, which you left on my latest post.
Such is life, it is often unfair and cruel. Yet it is also endlessly magical and enticing and I savour it with all my being, both the ups and downs, as they all make me feel alive. I have no regrets and I have returned to life as a wiser - and actually happier - woman.

Anonymous said...

Well, come on, where are these food pics?