Monday, April 23, 2012

Green Nest

The new papasan chair is heavenly, about 100 times more comfortable than it looks, with a plush cushion, that I'm certain is emitting chloroform: I sit in the chair, and immediately fall asleep. The neck support is brilliant and I wake up feeling wonderful. I love my green nest. And I can get in it and still have room for some books, my mp3 player and whatever else I fancy.


Betsy Brock said...

green nest....what a cute name for that chair! It's perfect! Beautiful color, too! I love it!

Gloria Baker said...

oh i love this! To read,embrodery,rest, sleep. etc.etc.

The Clever Pup said...

Ha! G, we have your Varley on our wall too!

My G(George)found it at a junk store on Roncesvalles called Mrs. Huizenga's. It was ratty and dull, but when we googled the framer's name on the label, he was a framer working at the National Gallery in the 50s and 60s.

G said...

That is so cool, Hazel! Framing is a whole art unto itself, yes? I love this picture.