Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Maybe one day the madness will stop.

In the meantime, Obama just leapt higher in my estimation. It's a risky move, but a timely one. Maybe it will pay off, or maybe his nation will lurch backwards in fear. I think fear is at the heart of this issue. So I urge anyone who opposes the recognition of gay marriage to actually make some gay friends, so you can realize that they are like everyone else, seeking to have a fulfilling life, with a fulfilling partner... you know, like we all do. They're not scary!

I believe wholeheartedly in recognizing gay marriages civilly. And as for church recognition; well most of that will take time. But no God of mine could possibly have a problem with it. I mean, really, come on.


Elliot MacLeod-Michael said...

I think these new developments are calculated and I think he and Biden have considered it very carefully. I think they are both in favor of legalizing gay marriage but both are also very astute politicians. I support their administration and I support their marriage, and I think their re-election and the legalization of gay marriage are both inevitable. Whether or not the nation will "lurch back" remains to be seen, but I think the nation is more or less ready. I really think most people think they should be allowed to marry though the GOP would like to say otherwise.

Tess Kincaid said...

Absolutely. Gobama(!)

G said...

Elliot and Tess: I love your optimism! Here's hoping...