Friday, November 2, 2012


I'm looking forward to the shift in Daylight Savings Time this Sunday morning. Early risings in the dark can be exciting when they are rare (early flights, and other adventures), but they are enervating when they are repetitious. We were lucky not to get battered more than we were by Storm Sandy, but I admit I'm tired of the week-long grey sky now. I need sun. I need light. Not this morning though, as I head into work a couple of hours earlier than normal, in preparation for an intense day.

Here is a recent dawn, and also two shots of a recent sunset, when I was at home still in daylight. The dragonfly was the result of a rainy day at the cottage and my desire to explore with wire, something I hadn't done since I was in my teens. His tail is made of crystals. Had to add a bit of sparkle... heh heh... mmmm... shiny.

You may recall I'm a fan of dragonflies and have a large one hanging in my bedroom.

Shifts are good and necessary, to keep things limber and flexible. I feel more shifts coming, and I'm looking forward to them, no matter how small.

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