Saturday, May 25, 2013

Cherry Blossoms

Every year they're taller. This year, spring was late. But I had a sense when I should visit this little knoll on Cherry Street. We got there when the blossoms were at their fullest, fattest, whitest, most glorious. As you can see, the branches were thick with them, as though they were bursting with blossoms. I couldn't bear to leave. There were so many good pictures, and these are just a few.

After a return of blustery weather, it was three days before I went back and they were all gone. Chilly nights have returned, and yesterday morning on my way to work I wore a winter coat! But next week's forecast calls for warmer days. Hopefully... just in time for June.


phil said...


(eloquent, ain't I?)

G said...

(Yes you are - always. :) )