Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Female Jungle EXPOSED!

A hell of a tagline for a classic 50s melodrama The Best of Everything (1959).

*SPOILERS LAY AHEAD!* This movie is set in the world of New York publishing, where a successful woman editor aged 54 is still referred to as "a girl" and pitied for the years she spent hanging on to her affair with the boss, hoping against hope he - or some other man - might save her from the hellish existence of her brilliant career. In fact, she may as well be dead. So might a young actress who is dumped by her caddish director and hurls herself from the fire escape. You'd be better off dead if you were preggers too. Basically, the moral here is, get married and get thee to Connecticut! ... or die trying.

It's full of fantastically toe-curling lines and cool outfits. Even cooler is that it was just referenced in the sixth episode of my new favourite show, Mad Men (which I am enjoying a lot). Don's wife Bets is reading it (the show is set in 1960) and has seen the film. Bets found Joan Crawford's eyebrows as scary as I do. I think that's the only possibly thing I might have in common with Bets. Oh, plus we both lust after Don. Yeah, that's the ticket.


Anonymous said...

Speaking of Joan Crawford (and her eyebrows), there is an exciting and popular new group on Yahoo called The Judy Garland Experience. The group is huge, and has the most diverse collection of Garland fans anywhere! The membership includes Garland family members, other celebrities, authors, film makers, fans of all ages, and more. The only one missing is you!
There is always a lively discussion going on, and the groups photo and audio files are simply amazing. This week they are having an audio retrospective of Judy's many concerts at the Palace 1951-1967, with interviews, promos, backstage shennanigans caught on tape, tracks from several of her concerts there, and Miss Joan Crawford (who joined Judy on stage one hot August night in 1967). Please stop by our little Judyville and check it out. You may never want to leave!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Dan B (not Bennett), I'll check it out.

Anonymous said...

Dan B can say what he likes - there's far too much rubbish written about movies these days. Why? The answer is staring us in the face!! - too darn many movies, that's why.

Anonymous said...

Too many movies????? Are you mad? I need a cold compress and a marmite sangwich... STAT.