Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Simpsons Movie

Well, it was too hot to walk, so I just sat in front of a fan and gazed out the window for a while. Then I made a marmite sandwich and some tea and listened to the Sunday omnibus edition of the Archers. Then, in an attempt to cool off, I went with Mark to see The Simpsons Movie. We had a pact we had to see it together, as no conversation we have ever had has not mentioned the Simpsons it seems. It's a bit like Seinfeld, almost any element of life can be related to an episode of either the Simpsons or Seinfeld.

The cinema wasn't too cool, but just cool enough. With a big popcorn and an almost empty brain, I sat down to watch. We laughed ourselves silly... especially the first half. There were some great lines, great scenes and the animation was gorgeous - interesting to see it on a wide screen, and the colours were very rich.

There were just glimpses of many charactes, and Mr. Burns and Smithers had a very small scene indeed, but I suppose there was just a limit to how much they could do. I hope they do another one, and judging by the success of this, I bet there will be.

I love Matt Groening and J.K. Rowling. Wow, the Simpsons movie and HP7 in one day. I tell you, my inner child is very happy indeed.


Anonymous said...

Is it true what they say, that a hot drink on a hot day actually cools you down? I've never had the nerve to test this theory, and can only tolerate a drink that is over the rocks when the temperatures soar.


Anonymous said...

Well, it certainly works with tea. A cup of tea will cool you on a hot day, warm you on a cold day.

I've never known you not to have the nerve to try anything.

Anonymous said...

I lose my nerve when my comfort is at stake...LOL...

Anonymous said...

Like, hey man, like that Simpsons movie really sucked big time. That Homer just pisses me off, right?

Anonymous said...

KoolJ: You're not, like, fooling me big guy!