Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Fave: Trattoria Nervosa

Unpretentious among all its shi-shi-poo-poo neighbours in Toronto's swankish Yorkville, this restaurant serves excellent Italian food in a delightful setting. I've been there a LOT of late.

And how happy am I that more and more restaurants are selling Prosecco by the glass? I can't put away more than a glass before a movie or theatre.

On another visit, I had the seafood salad.

On Mothers Day, my Roman mother declared this the best pizza crust she'd ever had. The Calabrian sausage was thinly sliced and delicious.


Betsy Brock said...

drooling...must you torture me?

G said...

Serves you right for showing all that delicious baking on your blog!