Sunday, December 4, 2011

Beautiful Weekend

It was the quietest it's going to be for a while, and I was perfectly happy.

I put up the tree, another Fraser fir. It's decorated now and I have spent many happy already gazing upon it and its twinkly lights. In fact, I went quite overboard with decorating this year, and I loved every minute of unwrapping, planning, afixing, judging, zhoozhing and admiring! There was chocolate consumption involved, of course.

A pot of chicken stock is simmering with some pieces of organic bird inside. The pomegranates are seeded and frozen, but more carefully than usual, as these precious arils will be the formation of Christmas cocktails, as well as my breakfasts for the next couple of weeks.

With last week's bug out of the way (not sure if it was a touch of flu or not) the rest of the weekend was given over to puttering about, quietly shopping, talking, planning, eating, dreaming... a wonderful pre-Christmas time. Oh, and a few hours of work, but I won't go on about that here!

The picture above is of my advent candle, from a couple of days ago now. You may remember my post from last year and the inspiration, lovely blogger Zuzana. I so enjoy the ritual of observing it and keeping an eye on it as it burns down another day.

I hope your weekend days were beautiful ones!


Tess Kincaid said...

I have done absolutely nothing to get ready for Christmas...oh wait...I take that back...I baked a batch of molasses ginger cookies, hidden safely in the freezer!

Zuzana said...

Sounds like a wonderful laid back weekend, where you get to do what you most enjoy.;)
And thanks for the mention, your candle looks beautiful.;))

G said...

It's all so long ago now...