Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Not Quite 1,000 Cranes... More Like 10

The humidity has lifted. Tonight will be cool... what a relief.

It left me wanting to make something pleasing with my hands (and I'm not baking much these days so that was out)

A few weeks ago I bought a sweet mobile hanger in The Paper Place (one of my new favourite stores), and some more origami paper to add to what I had already. I've wanted to try my hand at origami for a long time. So, I decided to make a flock of cranes, to bob and hover over my work table. The crane symbolizes happiness, good luck and peace, and, if you string 1,000 together, you are supposed to have a wish come true.

I had a good evening of it.

My first attempt (left) next to the enclosed sample in my kit (right). Not bad for a first go.


phil said...

There is a great song called Thousand Cranes, by Hiroshima:

Thousand Cranes

G said...

I've never heard of it, Phil, but I'm listening to it now on YouTube. Thanks. :)