Saturday, September 22, 2007

Avast ye Slovenly Barnacle-Bottomed Rustbuckets!

Arrrrr... shiver me timbers, but it's a fine to do when a sea-lovin' cabin wench such as meself is forgettin' the greatest day o' the year.


Four day ago, it be "Talk like a Pirate Day" and a fine day it be, or I'll know the reason why an' it'll be Davy Jones' locker for the lot of ye slovenly landlubbers who question the sanctity o' such a day.... arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Me heart is soothed to know it be a mere 361 days until the next Talk Like a Pirate Day... an' I not be forgettin' as it's already marked in the Cap'n's log that I was only polishin' this very night. Arrr, he be a fine Cap'n too, and firm with the orders, makin' me walk his plank, climb his mast and load his cannon day and night. An' by rights I be admittin' he's told me many a time that I be a fine wench, as wenches go. Aye, I keep his Roger jolly.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Arrrrrrrrrrrr. Aye it be quite a day, that it is.