Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Cottage Memories: Food

I've spent a lovely evening watching Bette David in A Stolen Life (1946). I'd never heard of it. She could just sit and recite the phone book and I would be mesmerized. In this movie you get two Bette's for the price of one, as she plays identical twins who are very different personalities. The special effect split screen of the time is very impressive. My friend J recommended the female impersonating stylings of Charles Pierce on YouTube and I've been enjoying them.

Was it only three weeks ago that we were cottaging? After a cool, grey summer, it was a stroke of luck that we had 15 days of undiluted sunshine. I'm an official cloud appreciator, but this was a treat. It's been tricky sifting through the many pictures. But here are some... food first. So much kayaking, swimming, and fresh air, that everything tasted extra good.

Oh, so did the wine.

Salmon and buttered brown bread.

Prosciutto panino after swimming.

Prosciutto makes an encore.

One of the guys made this magnificent comfort food, a sort of chicken orzo bake. I've received the recipe!

No holiday would be complete now without Betsy's chewy pecan cookies. So good, especially with maple-walnut icecream.

These pork chops were the best ever: marinaded in olive oil and some pounded anise seed, salt and pepper, then grilled. The tomatoes were heirloom varieties brought by a friend who lives year-round locally. Grown in her garden, they were scrumptious.

I took a small round box of camembert, punctured the top rind with a fork, soaked it in chardonnay, sprinkled fresh thyme over it, then sealed it up again and baked till all melty and wonderfully winey. Best eaten next to a large body of water in the company of excellent friends. Note to self: make about 5x the amount next time.


Betsy Brock said...

omg...all of that food looks so scrumptious and I'm on my way to bed hungry! aaack! :) You know, those pecan cookies are my very fave...and I was just thinking earlier this week that I needed to make some!

Zuzana said...

Beautiful pictures recollecting beautiful moments in time. Love them all...

The villager: said...

The food looks extremely appealing !

G said...

Betsy: You really do need to make some! Hee hee!

Protege: Thank you... indeed they are more lovely memories.

Villager: Thank you for the visit! I'll be over to explore your blog in more detail.