Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Lost Recipe

Have you ever had this happen? That you had a recipe that worked for something, and then you lost it or forgot which one in your crazy binder of recipes it was? That has happened for me and the lost recipe is for simple tea scones. This would not be an issue if I didn't have so many scone recipes. I'm working through them till I find the right one again. Here was yesterday's attempt:

Oh sure, they look pretty nice. But they're not it.

However we forced a few down with some fig jam. To make sure this doesn't happen again I'm chucking all the chocolate chip recipes, except for - you know - the ONE.


Anna Patricia said...

LOL! I made some savory scones last year and I only managed to embarrass myself to my husband.

I gotta try that recipe, since it is THE ONE that you endorse!

km said...

This is my go to scone recipe. Hope you like it.

G said...

Anna Patricia: I hope it works as well for you! :)

KM: I shall try this one, thanks!