Tuesday, October 16, 2007

What the ~ ?!

How did it get to October 16 and I have half a scarf knitted for Christmas???? What in Sam Hill is going on? I have one and a half scarves to go and I have... just over two months!!! All I have done is work the last little while and this is what happens! My favourite time of the year (Christmas) is jeopardized! ARGH!

OK OK OK. No panicking. Here's the deal. I get to post no more blogs until I have finished at least one scarf. That's it. I mean it. Seriously.

And by the way, all I've ever knitted is scarves. That's as far as I got. Scarves!


Anonymous said...

Have you thought of knitting scarves for your friends's pets? I would take less time to finish and your friends will be delighted!!!! And you will have more time to plan your XMAS!!!!

Anonymous said...

Er no... no I haven't. Have you ever tried to tie a scarf around a CAT???? A dog, maybe. A cat? Pah!!!