Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Quote of the Day for the New Year

"Now I've kissed you through two centuries."

Previously quoted on my blog, Laurence Oliver as Lord Nelson to Vivien Leigh as Lady Hamilton in That Hamilton Woman (1941). The year turns from 1799 to 1800 and he is kissing her atop a Neopolitan balcony, fireworks exploding before them.

We've had snow, then a slight melt, and a frost. It's all very pretty out there, just not great for walking. But walk I did! My parents are staying with me temporarily/long-term, and we have recycled The Cold so are all starting the year in ill health - dagnabit!


Anonymous said...

I'm loving your blog. How refreshing to read! I also love the picture above. I often clip pictures from publications and post them in my office for creative inspiration. I have one that looks quite similar the snowy pic in this post. In fact, today looks an awfuly lot like it too. We've had over a foot of snow fall on the first day of 2008.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the compliment Joel.

That's a lot of snow. We didn't have that much as you can see, but it was very icy and not good walking, but I got the pic anyway. Minus 17 here tonight in Toronto. Very pretty out, but too cold for my little camera!

Anonymous said...

Well, gosh darnit, it's jest too darn cold fer an ol'timer - ain't got my longjohns out yet. Reckon I'll jest inside with my cat 'til Spring comes along.
So long fer now Darlin