Saturday, January 19, 2008

A Classical Evening at Home

We started out with a DVD of Fidelio. Karita Mattila is a moving and wonderful Leonore, with a supporting cast of Rene Pape and Ben Heppner, etc. It was filmed live from the Met in 2002. I've never really been interested in this opera but this production, and this particular performance, was just wonderful. Moving and illustrative of all opera can be, and how - when all the elements come together - it is such a great theatrical form.

And now a historic DVD from 1967 - Rudolf Nureyev and Margot Fonteyn in Swan Lake. It's sightly dated, but quite wonderful, and I always love seeing the two of them dance - what chemistry they had. They first danced together in 1962: she was 43 and thinking of retiring and he was 24 and just newly defected from Russia. She had a magnificent second career and he - of course - was just starting his and, together, they formed the most famous dance partnership in ballet.

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