Monday, July 28, 2008

It's not him... It's the way I tell them

Q: Tibby, what do you call a cat who eats a whole duck?

A: A duck-filled fatty puss!


Anonymous said...

I see he had to think about it for a moment, but he got it! So funny!

Anonymous said...

Awww...that one really cracked Tibby up! :D

Anonymous said...

Laughing out loud here....

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha. Poor kitty.

Anonymous said...

Tibby's laughter seems strangely menacing. And adorable, of course.

Anonymous said...

Actually guys, I think Tibby is yawning....poor Princess...don't take it personally...cats always have their noses in the air, don't they!? This makes me miss my old kitties.

Anonymous said...

What a great audience you are Tibby!

What a crowd!

Here's one: A man goes into a restaurant and says to the waiter, he says, waiter bring me a cup of coffee without creme. 5 minutes later the waiter comes back and says, he says, I'm sorry, sir, we're out of creme..can it be without milk?

But seriously, Tibby, what a great crowd!

Anonymous said...

Oh that's priceless.. well done! :)

Anonymous said...

I think he was pausing to consider if the joke was at his expense? :)

Anonymous said...

I'm tagging you, BPG!!! You're IT!!! But only if you want to play. No pressure. :)

Anonymous said...

Hilarious!! :)

Anonymous said...

So this horse walks into a bar and the bartender says "Hey buddy, why the long face?"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Tibby is so cute! Even when he yawns!

Anonymous said...

Cat got your tongue?.. Great pics of Tibby here. I'm sure your kitty enjoys the spot light. I also enjoyed your pics of A Walk on Cherry Beach. Maybe someday you and I can enjoy a walk here with a very dear mutual friend. :)
Have a great weekend. We're back on track looking forward to a special autumn.
The Bach

Anonymous said...

Be careful how you say that.

Remember the story of the little girl who when asked why she called her cat “Cooking Fat” replied “Whenever Daddy comes into the kitchen, he says ‘Get that Cooking Fat out of here!’”

Anonymous said...

This still cracks me up - the photo... not the joke. :) I think I have visited it every day since you posted it. I love my Tibby-Tab!! Auntie Suza gives him a BIG hug.

Anonymous said...

Thanks folks, you've been a great crowd. Don't forget to pick up our CD on your way out...

Mr. Stainforth, your joke reminds me of my grandad who always played with his words that way. Our ginger puss would have been referred to as: "Jissy Punger".