Monday, August 1, 2011

Cottage: Water

I spent several mornings taking pictures of the water, looking down into it, playing with some (fake) pearls and other props in it. It was good to play, and to just be there, completely in the moment.

Which reminds me of a silly story my boss found very amusing recently. I was telling her that I had been reading while sitting on the streetcar. The book was on meditiation, on how important it is to be in the moment, to not need distractions or to be engaged electronically (I think we all know what a pandemic this is!). However I was finding it hard to concentrate as I was listening to my mp3 player and texting on my cell phone.

Sigh. I'm trying.


Anonymous said...

What's a book?

G said...

Well, I'm thinking of an eReader now.. sigh.