Friday, June 1, 2012

That Old Black Magic Called Geneology

I'm not sure where it will take me, but I'm currently tracking my Italian nonno's (grandfather's) arrival at Ellis Island in 1920, and his home on Rend Avenue, Brooklyn. He was 16 years old. I don't think Rend Avenue exists anymore, but I'm on the hunt for that too.

I'm also following the journey of a non-blood relative, but one who was part of an incredible family tragedy that took place in Pennsylvania. He had married my great aunt, and, after her early death, ended up in Ohio.

Between online newspapers, the Ellis Island Foundation, and, I hope to find some interesting facts about these American ties.

If I do, I'll be sure to share them here, as I will also share any dead ends I come up against, in the hope of getting answers.

Sigh... If I had a super power, it would be time travel.


The Clever Pup said...

G. I too would love to time travel. I've been poring over Vintage Toronto on Facebook and wishing I could zip back to a time when downtown Toronto was grand. The poor were extremely poor however.

Anyway. I have the genealogy bug. I've traced my line (online) back to the 1500s, using and the LDS website. It was better before they revised it. I've been helping my stepmonster-in-law find her Italian connection in NY and Ontario too. Sometimes the shipping manifest really help.

G said...

I'm amazed you've gone so far back, and so impressed! From what I've heard the two sites you mention are the best place to dig in. I'm pretty excited about this, just wish there was more time in the day.

Alice said...

Hi Gianna

This Is your distant cousin Alice in England! Are you talking here about your grandmother Bud, Leecy and my grandmother Hilda's sister (can' t recall her name) who was tragically killed on a railway crossing with her child?!

G said...

Alice!!! Yes, I mean Peggy (Margaret). I have the most moving correspondence about it all from the time of the tragedy. I'll e-mail you. :)