Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Delicious Harvest

Like a miser, I squirrelled them home, gleeful and full of plans to seed and freeze them.

My kitchen counter looked like a massacre had taken place.

The harvest. I was full of good intentions to freeze most of them. I think we all know what happens to good intentions. It took, er, a few days, but they're all gone. And I seeded two more tonight. It can safely be assumed that I'm not deficient in antioxidants right now. At least, not for want of trying.


Audubon Ron said...

Not sure I ever tackled a pomegranate. It does look like a crime has been committed. Lots of nutritional value. Just looked it up.

G said...

Ron, I know you can't run to your local store because your hip is playing up, but I do recommend you get some. They are delicious and so healthy (but I'm concentrating on the delicious here).

Berowne said...

Auguri, Principessa! As I looked at that picture of half-a-dozen pomegranites, all I could think of was -- the WORK.

It's tough enough to get all the seeds out of one of 'em...

Zuzana said...

This post made my mouth water (as it did last time you posted about this fruit), as I love anything juicy and sour. But, to be honest, I have never taste a pomegranate, I just assume it tastes this way.;)
It reminds me of passion fruit, which is one of my favorite exotic fruits.;)

Hilary said...

Yum. Do you eat the seeds or spit them out? I know either one is acceptable. I love the taste but find the seeds annoying.

G said...

Protege: There's no sourness there, but a bit of a bite. They are very sweet and crunchy and juicy all at once.

Hilary: I've never heard of spitting them out... what's annoying about them... now I'm curious!

Ciao Berowne: Not too much work for the pom addict, which apparently is me.

Rebecca said...

BPG...I adore pomegranite juice and Bigelow's Pomegranite tea is quite good as well...

G said...

Ohh... if that's decaff I'll be giving it a go. Thanks for the recommendation.

Kat Mortensen said...

I had a pomegranate for the first time in my life a couple of weeks ago. They came with instructions!
Once I mastered the art of extracting the arils, I was popping them in my mouth like sweet candy. I couldn't stop! Mmmmm! I'll have to pick up some more now.
Massacre, indeed!


G said...

Poetikat: Oh yes, I'd forgotten they were called "arils". So pleased you've come over to the Pom side. Heh heh.