Monday, February 7, 2011

"Mais, mon Dieu, quel ennui"

Mon Dieu, was there ever a more irrestible snob than Eugene Onegin? What a vain puss he is. The opera was on TFO last night. TFO is the French version of TVOntario, our advertisement-free public broadcasting station. It was interesting to see a Russian opera with French subtitles, and it made Onegin even more insufferably wonderful. Thank you, Pushkin, for your delicious irony. Thank you, Tchaikovsky, for your aching romanticism. And now... for a small piece of post-dinner dark chocolate. Thanks, Aztecs.


R.A.D. Stainforth said...

I may be forced to call you to talk about chocolate and Tchaikovsky.

G said...

Dr. S: What a treat!