Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Damn, this Place Smells Good

I wish I could bottle the delicious aromas wafting about me just now. The first batch of three cakes is nearly done. The raisins and fruit for the second batch is soaking in sherry. And the gingerbread is just decorated, so that spicy smell and the sugary perfume of all the icing sugar is in the air. Some of them go on the tree, others are given as presents.

A big snowflake, ready for some raffia strung through the little hole on the top so I can hang it on the tree:

Snowflakes, Christmas trees and little people, naked... but with buttons. Hey... something doesn't make sense.

These make sense. A tradition for me: anatomically-correct gingerbread people, ready to be hung on the tree.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG--those cookies are awesome and hilarious!

Have a happy xmas!