Sunday, December 20, 2009

Tree Ornament of the Day #13

The idea behind this ornament is the same as for the Nutcracker... pull on the string and his arms and legs fly up and down!

This hinged teddy bear is very important to my mother and I. She has often noted that it is at this time of year, during the period just before the solstice, that accidents and other tragedies seem most likely to occur. She believes we are at our lowest ebb, that our defences and instincts are slower than at any other time. And it was at this time, several years ago, when she suffered an accident, that - thankfully - was not as serious as it might have been.
She had been Christmas shopping and had just picked up this little ornament for me. She was crossing the road, and was knocked down by a van, who hadn't seen her. She was not at fault, but in these situations it is the pedestrian who takes the damage. It shook her up badly, apart from sustaining some physical damage. Luckily she's always been a strong, healthy woman, and she bounced back within a few weeks, although her back and neck were bothered badly for years to come.

Each year when she visits and sees this ornament, she reminds me, with much amusement, that in that strange moment, when she was struck and falling, and everything seemed to slow right down, she was worrying that this little wooden teddy bear might be broken and that I wouldn't get to enjoy it. Odd thought for a life-threatening moment, but I think our minds often work that way in those instances.

So, truly, of all these little tree ornaments, this is the most imporant to me, as it reminds me of what is most precious in my life: the people I love.


Zuzana said...

Beautiful sentiment. I think we all can relate to what this ornaments means to you and the story behind it is so very touching.

Audubon Ron said...

Wonderful thoughts this time of year. In the middle of a life-threatening event a loved one focuses on something more important to them - our happiness. Many blessings to your mom.

G said...

Zuzana and Ron: My mum is a treasure in so many ways. I admire her more than I tell her... shall remedy that forthwith! She already knows how much I love her.