Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tree Ornament of the Day #17

Isn't she cute? About two inches tall, this little ballerina mouse was another purchase many moons ago at a peformance of the National Ballet of Canada. Here she seems to be dancing among the trees. I'd like to be among the trees right now... tramping through softly fallen snow on my way to my little cabane au Canada.

There are chesnuts tonight (prepping them for Christmas Day soup), but they are roasting in an oven... and the fireplace is on a dvd. But the music is good and I'm feeling grateful.


Zuzana said...

Yes, she is so very, very cute.
And I love the vision of the atmosphere in your home.:)

G said...

Thank you Z... I'm taking some time to enjoy it... warm home, good food, luckier than most. Feeling grateful.