Friday, December 25, 2009

It's Just Past Midnight Here...

Merry Christmas everyone!

I hope you are warm, safe and loved tonight.


Audubon Ron said...

Same to you. It's O'early hundred here at Ducks Mahal and the Little Woman is in a state we call Recreational REMs and no doubt in the middle of some epic dream. I swore I would never buy a Xmas gift with a motor in it, but alas, I bought us a joint gift. It’s commonly referred to as a new vacuum cleaner that specializes in the archeological excavation of animal hair. It looks like R2D2 from Star Wars. It has 19 amps. Apparently that’s supersonic. I just lugged it in from the shed. So here’s to many a clean floor this holiday season. I think we shall call it Betty. Hope you get a fun gift, save motor. I’m really glad we met and hope for a great bloggy friendship in 2010. P.S. I’ve set aside the usual ale for Guinness now owing to you, did you know Guinness is great in most roux sauces?

G said...

Ron, I'm looking forward to a review of the Supersonic Betty. I didn't know that about roux, but am willing to try anything with Guinness. I'm glad we met too. Let's all raise a pint to the Bloghood!