Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas in a few Pictures

The last of the shopping was done during lunch at the Distillery.

Where I picked up a gift for my mother, a tea towel by Emma Bridgewater. It was well received! Rowrrrrrrrr...

I finished rolling and wrapping beeswax candles (after a last-minute dash to the shops to find some more wick, dagnabit!)

I like traditions that can evolve and change. One that has been solid for a few years now is watching the masterful Alistair Sim in A Christmas Carol. (1951) on Christmas Eve.

"Can you forgive a pig-headed old fool with no eyes to see with and no ears to hear with all these years?"

It was different this year as I enjoyed it with a 19-pound turkey tabby on my chest.

Another tradition: buttered panettone for breakfast as we open presents. But we shifted from drinking prosecco... there had been a bit too much celebrating the afternoon and night before.

Presents opened, I roasted some chestnuts for the soup.

And - new this Christmas - made some rosemary bread, which scented the place well.

Christmas dinner was topped with my mother's incredible trifle, a much-loved, three-year-old tradition around here.

And today, a blustery walk to Cherry Beach to take in some much-needed oxygen, burn off some calories, and clear my head after some wonderful and busy days.


Hilary said...

Looks like a wonderful day. I love the chestnuts and that trifle just made my stomach growl... not a good sign at 8 in the morning. ;)

Tess Kincaid said...

You have great taste in gifts, BPG! Sim is THE best Scrooge. He's a tradition at the manor, too. Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas. Warm wishes for a grand 2010. ~x

Audubon Ron said...

Very nice celebration. If you have any rosemary bread left, let me give you an address to send it to. :)

Betsy Brock said...

Sounds absolutely perfect! I have to watch Alastair Sim, very favorite.

I want that Robin mug! :)

phil said...

I enjoyed the George C. Scott version, G.
25 years now.

Oh, so you're the one that roasts chestnuts. ;)

Love red-brick buildings.
Do you have a bunch there?

G said...

Hilary: I've decided that roasted chestnuts are my new favourite movie-watching snack. :)

Willow: We did, and I gather you did too... aren't we fortunate?

Ron: I'll be posting the recipe.

Betsy: It's an Emma Bridgewater mug from Britain, as was the Daniel Craig tea towel!

Phil: Toronto is a very Victorian city, so, yes, lots of red brick.

Thanks for visiting everyone!

The Clever Pup said...

Blog Princess. Thank you for visiting my site.

I loved going through your profile. We have many similarities, and we are both Hogtown girls, but I guess you, like me, has some English ancestry in your past.

Anyway your blog is great - I love your pictures.

G said...

Clever Pup: I had the same reaction looking at your blog! I'm really enjoying exploring it. Thanks for visiting and your charming comment.

Rebecca said...

Ah, now I really want to come to your house for Christmas next year:)...That trifle , the Sim movie( A tradition around here, too) and that Rosemary bread alone. I would like to have one of those towels myself, only I would have to have Gary Oldman's name on mine...:D...

Glad you had a lovely Christmas....

G said...

Rebecca: Yes, I loved the Daniel Craig, but my mum loved it more, and I would be with you: Gary Oldman... yum yum! What's nice is that not everyone recognizes his irresistibility.