Saturday, April 17, 2010

Breath of Spring

Pourquoi me réveiller
ô souffle du printemps?
Pourquoi me réveiller?
Sur mon front je sens tes caresses,
et pourtant bien proche est le temps
des orages et des tristesses!
Pourquoi me réveiller,
ô souffle du printemps?

Why do you awaken me?
o breath of Spring?
Why do you awaken me?
On my forehead I feel your caresses,
and yet very near is the time
of storms and sorrows!
Why do you awaken me,
o breath of Spring?

(From Massenet's opera Werther, to a libretto by Édouard Blau, Paul Milliet and Georges Hartmann; translation by Randall Garrou.) Last fall I saw Ramón Vargas sing this aria, and it left me longing for spring, although not wishing time away... and here it is!

I can't get enough of spring this year, of the painfully wonderful blue, of the water, of the fresh air, of the soft blossoms who are nowhere near their height yet.


Zuzana said...

I agree with these sentiments. I think your spring this year is like ours was last year. It was magnificent and absolutely striking in every way, I have never seen such blossoms nor have we ever had so much sunshine.
This year everything is delayed and effected by the long and hard winter.
Stunning photography.
Have a lovely weekend.

G said...

I so long for spring for you Zuzana!