Thursday, April 22, 2010

Born a Magpie

My jewellery drawer (top drawer of my dresser) had become a nightmare. Over the Christmas break I - tongue clamped between teeth - carefully polished all my bits of silver and individually bagged them to keep them from tarnishing, on the advice of a jeweller friend. I never put them back in their boxes so it was a bit of a disaster. Today I did that, and all is... well, top drawer.

The first piece of jewellery I ever received is in the small pale pink plastic box in the centre of the drawer...

A gift from my Italian nonna when I was just a baby:

The ruby and gold heart is still protected by the original pink cotton batting that it came with.

What a thrill when I was allowed to wear it as a child! And what an even bigger thrill when I was allowed to take full-time possession of it.

And today, on a whim, I googled Gioielleria Fanuele and found that in 2005 it celebrated its centenary and is still going strong. When I next visit Rome, it's on the agenda.


Audubon Ron said...

I love the piece.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely necklace. I love hearts and stars and this combines them both. I like all the boxes of different shapes and sizes.
Your jewelry drawer is so organized. You remind me that I need to organize my jewelry box. It's such a large task, since I know things are tangled.
Thanks for sharing your memory : )

Zuzana said...

Beautiful jewelry, wonderful sentiments.
And you are so organized.;)

Tess Kincaid said...

((squawk)) from one magpie to another

It's gorgeous!

Betsy Brock said...

What a lovely necklace! I like the flat links in the chain...and what a treasure!

I love cleaning out my jewelry drawer...and it's due for a maintenance round about now. Also, just wearing your silver will keep it from tarnishing...the natural oils from your skin delay the tarnishing. :)

Anonymous said...

My sock drawer is in a similar state.

G said...

Thank you all for your comments, you are all a pleasure to read here, and on your own blogs.