Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Appreciating Clouds

Some pictures from Lake Huron, 2006...

... to celebrate my membership in The Cloud Appreciation Society. Yes, I'm sporting this little badge proudly.


Anonymous said...

Where on earth did you find that button? You are too cute! Now the Joni Mitchell song is going to be in my head all day...

Oh, and lovely cloud photos, Ace Girl. :)

Anonymous said...

And, is your head in those clouds? Nothing wrong with that! I would enjoy the company.

Anonymous said...

Ooo I like thoze clowds!

I like that badge too! Wat a grayte idea!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful pics...and what a fun, interesting little group to belong to! I noticed on your sidebar before and took a peak at it. :)
And congrats on your authorblog pick for your macro pictures!

Anonymous said...

Looks like heaven. Like your book list, too.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by today, and for the kind words. I'm adding your blog, which I really enjoy, to my favorites list! Edward thanks you heartily for the pat!

Anonymous said...

Just curious: Are you one of those people (like me) who gets sidetracked while watching a movie by trying to see if the cloudscapes match up from shot to shot?

Anonymous said...

Yea, your blog buddies are missing you! What on earth is so important in Toronto to keep you from your computer?? LOL

Anonymous said...

Ooohh GORGEOUS clouds! From such clouds angels should emerge, rosy-cloaked and singing in such a way that people are frozen in their tracks to listen. I love the thought of a cloud appreciation society too ; ) Love from AKR

Anonymous said...

Great colours in that sky.. lovely shots. :)

Anonymous said...

These photos are incredible. I'm always a sucker for clouds when I take photos…

Anonymous said...

Willow, the little badge - plus certificate! - is what you receive for joining the Cloud Appreciation Society... it's linked on my sidebar.

Bill, my head has never really been anywhere else. Now I have a badge to announce it officially. :)

Edward, yes, only if the movie is kind of boring. Hee hee.

All, thank you for your lovely comments, you'll see a lot more clouds on my blog in the future.