Friday, June 13, 2008

Sanctuary Song... and a Storm

We are in the midst of the most gorgeous thunderstorm. It has been thundering and lightening for at least half an hour. The windows are shaking... I love a storm!

Earlier I had the good fortune to see Sanctuary Song, part of the Luminato festival going on in town. This was a short (45 minute) new opera, in one act, with a cast of four. It tells the story of Sydney, a female elephant who is captured quite young and comes to America to work in a circus and later - when she is injured - a zoo. At the zoo she is cared for by the same keeper for 23 years, and he becomes her only friend, as in all that time she sees no other elephants. At last she is taken to live in an elephant sanctuary in Tennessee, where, for the first time in decades, she will live with grass, trees, room to roam, and... other elephants.

The plot was inspired very closely by a PBS documentary called "The Urban Elephant" which tells of the real-life Shirley and her final move to the sanctuary with her zoo-keeper and the emotional reunion with her elephant friend Jenny, who she had not seen in 23 years. The obvious joy in recognition was a very moving part of the program, and a certain proof of the depth of emotions that these - and other animals - feel.

The opera was so beautifully performed, with video projections, a very small orchestra, and touching performances. There were no elephant costumes, rather simple body language and sensitive, evocative music. Yes... I had a good cry.


Anonymous said...

What a sweet story. You know the phrase "An elephant never forgets"? I guess it's true...after 23 years that elephant remembers!

Anonymous said...

I remember seeing that documentary too, and if the opera was half as touching as that was I'd understand the tears...

Anonymous said...

Betsy: the idea of an elephant's memory came up in the piece... very moving.

Dave: Sniff... yes!