Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Quote of the Day

"In that singular light every little tree and shock of wheat, every sunflower stalk and clump of snow-on-the-mountain, drew itself up high and pointed; the very clods and furrows in the fields seemed to stand up sharply. I felt the old pull of the earth, the solemn magic that comes out of those fields at nightfall. I wished I could be a little boy again, and that my way could end there."

From Willa Cather's My Ántonia (1918). I read this last week, after reading about it on Phil's blog. It is told through the memory of Jim Burden and his childhood on the Nebraska prairie. There he meets Ántonia, a young Bohemian girl, whose family is ill-equipped for immigration and too poor to manage well their harsh new life. I can't remember the last time I was so moved by a book. It left me deeply sighing and full of longing for something I can't define. The language is beautiful and the the characters are fully-realized and will stay with me a long time, especially the heroine of the title.


Anonymous said...

Oh I am so glad you blogged on this! I was just over at Phil's asking him about Cather and which book I should start with. I think maybe you just answered my question! Thanks BPG! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for those hugs! :)
I added them to my sidebar along with other's encouraging words..just for daily inspiration!
So glad you are back...I missed you!

Anonymous said...

Even though it sounds dangerously like one of those romances aimed at women of the female persuasion - I gotta admit your description tempts me to check it out.

Somebody talk me out of it....

Anonymous said...


I have never read Cather...but I know I should!

Have you ever read anything by Wallace Stegner?

I'm currently reading Salman Rushdie's new book, The Enchantress of Florence. This is my first novel of his.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Always nice to meet another tree hugger!

Anonymous said...

So you're reading the new James Bond? We'll expect a full report!

Anonymous said...

Frank: it's definitely not chick lit... at least I don't think it is! I really recommend it.

Dave: I've not read Wallace Stegner but I'm googling him now!

Ed: you bet there will be! Hee hee.