Thursday, June 26, 2008

Gone Swimming

Summer cottages in North America are a very different entity from what they are in England. A cottage here is a cabin you go to, for weekends or often weeks at a time, often hugging the edge of a lake, where city dwellers can escape the heat and humidity and frolic in cool, deep lakes and wander pine-scented trails. Not all cottages are made alike, and they range from the deeply primitive to the most luxurious, but for the most part they are a delicious escape and often redolent of a past age, and a more innocent and childlike existence.

It's the slap of a wooden screen door, bare feet and limbs, sunshine, watermelon, swimming, backgammon, roasting marshmallows, conversations over breakfast that carry into the day, picking wild blueberries, baking a pie with those blueberries, canoeing, the call of the loon (the bird, not the family member), stargazing, hiking, jigsaw puzzles, melting brie in the sun, napping and laughter.

Happy Summer everyone, I'll be back in 10 days.

Photo by D.


Anonymous said...

Have a relaxing time away from it all! Now, I can wait for my annual portaging/canoeing/camping expedition in Aug. (picture is from last year's trip)

Anonymous said...

oh i remember a lake house (at Lake Morey, Vermont) years ago...and here in faraway Oz (where it's very clear, Toto, that we're not in Kansas any more) I still dream of it in quiet moments.
have a lovely holiday...

Anonymous said...

"loon (the bird not the family member)"...tee-hee. You crack me up! Have a wonderful time....I felt more relaxed just reading about your upcoming activities! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, wait....I'm coming too!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds just delicious! And wonderfully quiet. Did you take a large container of books with you??

Anonymous said...

Oh you lucky woman. Enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Hope you have fun, Blog princess, and get in plenty of stargazing, barefoot padding, marshmallow roasting and all of the joyful things you list. Can't wait to read your next AKR.

Anonymous said...

You did WHAT - you deserted us? !!!

Just kiddin.

ENJOY ......

Anonymous said...

What a lovely post! I arrived here from David McMahon's Post of The Day. Your nomination was well deserved. This is my first visit but not my last.

I hope you have a lovely vacation.

Anonymous said...

I am SO envious .. except for the part you omitted: BUGS

David sent me ...

I hope you have a wonderful holiday!


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful photograph. I found your blog on David's blog. I'll be back. Stop by my blog and say hello anytime!

Anonymous said...

Have fun!

Anonymous said...

When I suggested working on your novel I didn't mean, like ah, disappearing from spheres of influence and zeitgeist compounded.

After all, that's why we have robots for exploring Mars.

Anonymous said...

Hey BPG ~ I've just given you an award! Please pop over to my site and get it...proudly display it on your deserve it! :)
Miss you!

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone! It was great to be away and it's good to be back... and Daryl, you are right, bugs are not to be omitted... hee hee... I'll see you all shortly on your own blogs as I attempt to catch up.