Friday, November 2, 2007

Moi? A Saucepot? Why yes... yes I am!

Friend: "You know - you're a saucepot. You're going to have to work on that."

Me: "I have worked on it my whole life. I have dedicated my existence to the honing and refining of my saucepottishness."

Point taken, I trust?


Anonymous said...

And you have succeeded beyond all expectations.

Anonymous said...

Is this like the (sauce)pot calling the kettle... saucy? I think most of my friends could fall under the category of "saucepot". I think I'd find the alternative quite boring.

So you may ask, what is a "saucepot"? According to a serious online dictionary it is: "a cooking pot that has handles on either side and a tight fitting lid." Oh, that doesn't sound fun at all. claims it means: "a hot-pot of minxyness that proves near-irresistable to anyone who gets close." That's so cute!

I would define it as anyone who behaves saucily, in either naughty or non-naughty ways. I have called some of my best friends saucepots, I have called their pets saucepots, I have called men saucepots, I have called significant men saucepots and they all had different meanings. When I was smart-mouthed as a kid I was called a saucepot.

Irony, wit, sauciness, cheekiness, naughtiness... all ingredient to be found in the saucepot.

And yes, once you really know me, I am a saucepot, to some degree or other, and shall remain so.

Anonymous said...

I am guilty as well, on all counts.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Or as I like to say. "Shoelaces of the world untie!"