Sunday, February 10, 2008

Oysters, Champagne and Vertigo... Oh My!

They don't mix.

Well, the first two do. Then you add a hangover... then you add my faithful companion, the vertigo (hopefully temporary inner ear situation) and you have a doozy of a situation. Or rather, a dizzy of a situation.

No, apparently I wasn't ready to lurch myself into madcap socializing again. Which is a shame... I miss certain forms of indulgence. I remember the first time I had oysters - this was at the Oyster Bar in Grand Central Station. They're not my favourite food, I mean - I never think: "Gosh, I wish I had a plate of oysters," but... if they're put in front of me, I'm always thrilled to see them. Well, to be honest, there are not many foods I'm not thrilled to see in front of me. I was delighted to see them this time, shucked, laying open and saucy on their half shells, atop a bed of ice, a squeeze of lemon at hand. Slurp, slurp, chew, chew, down the hatch. Mmmmmm. The second time I had them was in Malpeque, Prince Edward Island. Just a simple little fishing village with an oyster shack on the wharf. There we ate oysters and a pile of mussels, with a small bucket beside us on the rough, wooden floor of the shack, into which we hurled our shells. That was a great food memory. I had no idea until later how esteemed Malpeque oysters are... we just stumbled across the village as we drove lazily around, eating fresh strawberries from a farm stand. Sigh... I do long for summer.

I met a lovely man I met some time ago, who had also had vertigo (this was when I was first suffering from it.) If we had both been single at the time we would have definitely got together. The joke was, with both of us having vertigo, and each of us tending to "list" in a different direction, at least we'd be able to prop each other up. (He had other wonderful qualities too.)

Actually I'm feeling a lot better now. So I shall brave the cold and wend my way in a wavy fashion along the city streets to do some shopping.


Anonymous said...

You take care with that vertigo! I have that and know it can be scary. Especially waking during the pitch dark night and not having a point of light to focus on to stop the spinning.

Anonymous said...

You're kidding? You too? That's nuts. It's awful isn't it?

Anonymous said...

No kidding. The worst part is not the driving. The real terror and heart pounding is when I come to a stop.

Anonymous said...

I'll drop you an email if that's okay. :)

Anonymous said...

By all means, bp. :)