Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Search for a Thriller

The search for a recent good thriller some years ago had a friend and I seeing a host of bad movies at the cinema, and then going through some pretty ghastly videos. Then we picked up Jennifer 8 (1992). We watched it together that night, and then I saw it again the next day, I was that taken. It's written and directed by Bruce Robinson... what more can I say? I'm a fan.

Andy Garcia, as the recovering alcholic policeman was vulnerable and strong at the same time. Uma Thurman was lovely as the blind musician he is trying to protect. It's very cool, as well, that no-one is bothered that she is several inches taller than him. I read an article years ago about Garcia's hair, about how sometimes it flops sadly in his eyes in two bracket shapes around his forehead... other times it's kind of perkily and insouciantly flows back from his brow. I'd not thought about actors' hair reflecting their moods and characters, but I see it on occasion. Bill Pullman has it too. That and the wonderful eyebrow lift he does so well, so subtley. Where was I? Oh yes, the hunt for the good thriller.

Well, that hunt was sated this weekend when I saw Michael Clayton (2007), a real, old-fashioned, no-huge-surprises, corporate thriller, with the main difference from every other example of this genre being a totally magnificent cast: George Clooney (aging well and - more importantly - letting himself age), Tom Wilkinson, Sydney Pollack and the eerily beautiful and intelligent Tilda Swinton. Written and directed by Tony Gilroy, responsible for writing the Bourne trilogy. Blimey! Can I clone some little grey cells?

Crimson Tide is on tonight. That's one I have to get on DVD. What more can a girl ask for?

Top Ten Reasons I Love Crimson Tide

10. Take one claustrophobiac and add a great submarine thriller... it makes me a very clingy date (take notes please)
9. The pre-boarding soundtrack with "To Those in Peril on the Sea" used to haunting effect
8. The Jack Russell terrier
7. Viggo "rrrrrrRRRRRrrrrrr" Mortensen
6. The way they're always shouting "Defcon!" I bounce up and down on my chair. Defcon! Defcon!
5. The spoof Mad TV did on Crimson Tide... Crimson Tide 2: a submarine full of women, a locked safe of chocolate, a locked safe of Midol, and a battle to the death over those keys. Very funny stuff.
4. That red glow all the submarine thrillers have... it's very flattering in an eery way.
3. Those back shots where the camera is following the powerfully muscled back of Weps or Defcon or whatever their names are as they charge along those pipe-lined narrow passages of the submarine.
2. Gene Hackman: this man is an acting GOD

and... I give you the number one reason I love Crimson Tide:

1. Denzel Washington


Anonymous said...

Most amazing thing about Crimson Tide? It's a Jerry Bruckheimer-Tony Scott collaboration that's actually good!

Anonymous said...

You speak truthfully O Ed-One.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forgot Denzel's reference (not once, but twice) to Star Trek, Captain Kirk and Scotty!