Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I talked to a friend tonight who has fathered two children for a lesbian friend and her partner. We were talking about what makes a family, about what a child needs to grow.

I think a family in its ideal form is a place where you are loved and welcome, where you are told the truth, where you are allowed to grow and learn and make mistakes, and to whom you can return and find a haven. It can be made of up many computations. I think it's important that there are men and women involved, but in no particular pattern or sexual preference. I think a range of ages is important too, as the generations always have so much to learn from each other.

What a wonderful ideal that is (in my opinion) and yet how many people truly have this? I have no idea. I know I have it with my parents and my friends. And I know the two children of these women and their biological dad were very wanted and are very loved by their large, extended family. And that's about as good as it gets.

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