Monday, February 25, 2008

Song of the Day

Lonely Town
(From On the Town, lyrics Betty Comden and Adolph Green, music by Leonard Bernstein)

A town's a lonely town,
When you pass through
And there is no one waiting there for you,
Then it's a lonely town.
You wander up and down,
The crowds rush by,
A million faces pass before your eye,
Still it's a lonely town.

Unless there's love,
A love that's shining like a harbor light,
You're lost in the night;
Unless there's love,
The world's an empty place
And every town's a lonely town.

The week Leonard Bernstein died, I saw Jessye Norman in recital. For an encore she sang this and it was incredibly moving.


Anonymous said...

I love Bernstein. Have you seen Candide? Even in West Side Story, he does that wonderful layering of the music like an opera.

Anonymous said...

ps...doesn't Jessye Norman have the hugest mouth? She is a force to be reconded with...almost surreal.

Anonymous said...

She was magnificent that night... (this was pre-weight loss) and she sailed onstage like a galleon, in a magnificent purple gown. Her hair was long and flowing. Very stately and very, very commanding, and capable of the most hushed and subtle variations, all part of what makes her so stunning.

I agree Willow, she's almost unearthly.