Friday, March 14, 2008

Quote of the Day

Gregory: "I knew from the first moment I saw you that you were dangerous to me."

Cameron: "I knew from the first moment I saw you that you were dangerous to her."

The dark-chocolate-eyed Charles Boyer as Gregory da Fink and Joseph "Gosh, thanks for arriving in the nick of time" Cotton as Cameron, in Gaslight (1944), starring the beautiful Ingrid Bergman and seventeen-year-old Angela Lansbury in her film debut. Thanks Turner Classic Movies.


Anonymous said...

Weren't those close up shots of Ingrid marvelous? And Boyer was so creepy!!

Anonymous said...

Robert Osbourne (the TCM host) said after the showing of the movie that Angela Lansbury (17 at the time and just discovered) later reported that Ingrid Bergman could't have been more gracious and supportive of her during this - her debut film appearance. Beautiful inside and out. What a wonderful woman!