Thursday, May 1, 2008

Well Me Hearties...

It's nearly 1 a.m., and it's been a long day.

However, before submitting to the seductive embrace of my wonderful bed, let me all remind you that.... it's only 140 days till Talk Like A Pirate Day! Remember the day: September 19th.

Be there... or be... MADE TO WALK THE PLANK!!! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!


Anonymous said...

In my world, every day is Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Anonymous said...

OK Princess, you've got my attention. What is the Pirate Day, Sept 19th all about anyway? Sounds like a lot of fun! Please give some details to this "can't wait" event.

Anonymous said...

Oh! By the way, Sept 19th is my sons birthday. He will be 32 this year and is a handsome, available, Asian.

Anonymous said...

you know, i don't understand that day! all i know is i got a lot of very strange comments on my blog posting last year.

lots of arrrrrggghhhhs and parrot references, as i recall...

Anonymous said...'s not marked on my calendar...

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm pretty sure it's on mine. Arrgh!

Anonymous said...

Aaaaarrrrgh, me arties, let's fill in the `planks'.

And thank you, I have made up the official Ace Boy Photographer badge that you awarded me so kindly.



Anonymous said...

Edward: I be mighty pleased to be hearin' this news! Avast ye landlubbers! An' make way for Dreade Pirate Headstrong Hegstrom... and his ferocious assistant Delmar! Arrrrrrr....

Bachelor: Well, it all started I THINK in England, but there are some impassioned pirates in the U.S. that also have some extensive websites on "how to talk pirate" etc. Just google "Talk Like a Pirate Day" and stand back! Let's face it, pirates are international, and "arrrrr" is their international language I suppose! Please let Dread Pirate Junior Bachelor know that Blog Princess G has been... er... let's see, has been lashed to the masthead by some, oh, maybe some brigands... and is squealing for her life!

Laurie: Succumb to the piratese... it's wonderful once you get your tongue around it. Arrrrrr...

Willow: let's pen it in... or at LEAST pencil it in.

Crista: Arrrrrrr, ye be a mighty fine wench! A ration of rum for the crew and a hornpipe or two for this momentous news!

Arrrr, ABP, ye be a fine photographer lad, and it's up to the crow's nest for ye to be takin' some snappy shots of the view up there and Wench Crista's hornpipe... for as ye know, Dread Pirate Queen Princess G is afeared o' heights, but don't let on to the crew, lest they be fallin' about laughin', the slovenly numbskulls.... arrrrrr.

Anonymous said...

Awhile back, a single frame comicstrip(maybe Bizarro), had Pat Sajak telling a Pirate contestant, "I'm telling you for the last time.... 'R' has already been taken!"


Anonymous said...

Oh Phil, that's wonderful! Arrrrrrrr... Dread Pirate Drifting Phil...