Sunday, April 27, 2008

Cat Conquers Summit of Coffee Table...

... in successful attempt to attract attention.

"The scolding is worth it for all the kisses and cuddles that come after," explained the handsome, ginger-haired quadruped. "The confused attention is what I seek and I have seen increased success in this area of my endeavours."

After speaking to journalists and photographers, Signor Tibbolito took a little tuna-flavoured refreshment and collapsed in his favourite armchair to recuperate.


Anonymous said...

And does Signor Tibbolito have plans to try again? Or can he at last rest, knowing his place in history is assured?

Anonymous said...

Aww, Tibby really is a handsome cat. What is your framed poster in the background? It's lovely. Reminds me a little of Thomas Hart Benton.

Anonymous said...

Awww...that made me miss my cats...which are long gone to cat heaven. :)

Anonymous said...

Edward, I have no doubt he'll be trying it again. :)

Willow, isn't he a dashing fellow?

The big poster on the left is the one for Santa Fe Opera's 2000 season. The painting is called "Arroyo Hondo" by Taos artist, Ed Sandoval.

The middle (small) frame holds a wood engraving print from a very talented friend, Gerard Brender a Brandis, and it was a present from my parent's last Christmas. It depicts the Grand River, near here, down which I have often canoed, and into which I have taken a spill or two, hee hee. Gerard is a fascinating artist and person and his studio/cottage is one of my favourite spots and I shall have to do a post on him sometime. I haven't been there in a year at least.

The print on the right is "Scent of Desire", a reproduction of a painting by B.J. Zhang that I had framed.

Anonymous said...

Monsieur Tib has a cousin in the land down under...mundanely bearing the appellation Big Sam. he also wears a dapper marmalade and cream suit but his recreation is catching snakes.
poisonous ones. in fact, extreeeeemely poisonous ones. i'd much rather he climbed tablecloths, 'twould be a cheaper recreation for me than having to perform speed-limit-breaking rally-driving to the vet each time he (the cat,not the vet) gets nipped by a writhing reptile...